We did try to induce my labor at home with herbs. However, for some reason, my body refused to let go of the body. The herbs had no effect at all.
So, after being dumped by my first obgyn for asking too many questions and "questioning his authority", I found a wonderful and compassionate doctor who was willing to sit with me, answer all my questions, and discuss my options. After much discussion and inward-seeking, we chose to induce in the hospital.
My beautiful baby was born on February 26th at 5:50 PM. It was a boy. We named him Kalei, which means "beloved" in Hawaiian.
The hospital staff was simply amazing. They took pictures, little tiny footprints, and let me have all the time I wanted with him to say goodbye. We were able to take home the pictures, blankets, baby card, baby hospital wrist band, and other materials that they gave to us as mementos. We had the baby blessed and they put the holy water in a seashell during the blessing, then gave us the sea shell to take home as well. My mother and a couple of understanding and close friends were there to say goodbye as well.
Walking out of the hospital with a bag of mementos in my arms instead of a baby was really hard.
We are choosing to have him cremated, and a wonderful funeral home offered to do it at no cost. We have a catalogue of urns and keepsakes to choose from, and I can't seem to bring myself to pick one out. I'll probably leave that choice up to the Knight.
Physically I am feeling fine. Emotionally, I am having my ups and downs. But I am so incredibly grateful for the supportive friends and family members who has made this journey easier.