Last night I went out for a girls night to celebrate my birthday. We went to
Clay Time Studio, and it was a blast. They let you bring your own snacks and adult beverages, so I brought some wine and chips and dip. You basically pick out the piece of pottery that you like, paint and decorate it, and then they fire it in the kiln and you pick it up a week later.
I picked out a giant coffee mug and decorated it with a baby foot, baby hand, spirals, a pregnant belly, and on the bottom, a vulva. It's my new doula cup. I'm not artistic, but I'll take picture of it when I get it back.
Having a girls night out was just what I needed. We drank wine, talked girl talk, and expressed ourselves creatively. It was just perfect; talking about things that you can't speak to your husband about; laughing continuously all night, the kind of laugh that makes you throw your head back and you can feel the laughter bubbling and rising up from your heart and flowing gloriously out into the air. Feeling free because there are no children climbing on your lap, demanding "na nas" or juice or lovie or whatever else they can think of. Feeling pretty because you are wearing nice clothes and jewelry and your hair is done up and you have makeup on and you aren't worried about getting spit up on or having apple juice spilled on your nice clothes. Towards the end we even got into quite a lively and invigorating discussion about the maternity system and how broken it is.
I also got a few gifts from my generous friends, which is always great! From my lovely SIL I got two books:
God of Animals
Say You're One of Them
. From my friend K, I got lovely candle holders and candles. And from my friend J, I got a most lovely card and a gift card to Kohl's, my all time favorite store.
I also got some lovely jewelry from the wonderful Knight. I wore it to the Girls' Night Out and got so many great compliments!

I came home feeling refreshed and energized. The Guppy was still awake and demanded "na nas" and instead of the annoyance that I had been feeling about nursing and cleaning up vomit all week, I swept her up in my arms and kissed and tickled her and listened to her laughter as it rang like a fairy bell through the house. I didn't mind nursing her. I am her mother and she is my baby and I love her dearly, but I am also a woman and I think I had forgotten to nurture that side of myself this week. The night out had done that and more, so I was ready to snuggle and tickle and even wipe some noses as we settled down for the night.
Tonight is part II of my birthday celebration, dinner with the family at Fire and Ice.

That's Much, Much Better...
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