La Leche League is such a wonderful support group for breastfeeding women. Not only do their volunteers offer breastfeeding support and guidance, but they also hold meetings and reach out the community to let women know that they are not alone when it comes to breastfeeding difficulties, and that in a world where breastfeeding receives little support, there is somewhere to turn.
I remember after the Mermaid was born, I took her in for her first appointment with the pediatrician on a Friday. The doctor felt that she had not gained enough weight and wanted me to start supplementing with formula. Thankfully, I had devoured The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
As soon as I got home, I looked up the phone number for a local La Leche League Leader (we lived in CT at the time). I was very upset and worried, and feeling as though I was already failing in "motherhood". I don't remember the name of the woman I called, but I do remember how calm, reassurring, and compassionate she was. She listened to me without judgment or interruption. She thought it might be that the Mermaid had a weak latch, and offered to come by and help me fix it, or if I wanted, I could come to her house. This woman did not know me at all, but she wanted to take time out of her day and inconvenience herself just to help me correct a weak latch. I asked if she could talk me through it over the phone, and she did. By the end of the conversation, the Mermaid was literally gulping down milk and I was never so thankful in my life that I had called this wonderful LLL leader.
When I brought the Mermaid in that Monday, she had gained 16 oz over the weekend. We never had another breastfeeding problem after that.
I have been active in the local LLL group since the Guppy was six weeks old. These women have helped me through breastfeeding and parenting struggles, have listened to me vent about issues surrounding motherhood, and have generally offered me a place where I can go and breastfeed and parent my children without fear of being judged by someone who parents differently. Every mother should have a place like LLL to turn to. And with your help, they can.
LLL is a non-profit organization. You can help LLL by becoming a member and enjoying the benefits of membership. Another way you can help is by participating in fundraising efforts. Many LLL groups hold fundraising events to raise money: the group I currently belong to has an ongoing fundraising event with Green Raising. The La Leche League of Linwood, NJ is having a fundraiser with Chico Bags. There are so many ways to help.
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