Three years ago I walked down the asile and committed myself and my love to you. Never once for a single moment have I come even close to regretting that decision.
You are still my best friend. The best father I know. My soul mate.
There are so many things that I love about you, the list is endless. So, I had to limit myself to 50.
50 Things I Love About the Knight
1. He's handsome
2. He makes me laugh
3. He changes diapers
4. He cooks dinner
5. He helps me clean the house
6. He does all the above without complaining
7. The way he can make the girls laugh until they're out of breath
8. The way he makes sure every night to take time out to play with the girls, no matter how tired/busy/grumpy he is.
9. The way he encourages me to get my businesses off the ground
10. The way he makes the sacrafices we need to make in order to keep me home with the girls
11. The way his calmness balances out my hyperness
12. Because when I told him that I was going to go out with my girls for my birthday and he will have to stay home with the kids, he said "Okay, have fun".
13. The fact that he takes the time every day first thing when he gets home from work to sit with the Mermaid and look at everything she learned that day.
14. He is one of the most creative writers I know.
15. Even though he is really competetive, he lets me win sometimes
16. He would rather stay home with me and the girls than go out to a strip club or bar
17. The way he gets along so well with my family...and if you knew my family, you'd know that was a big one.
18. He always, always has my back...even when he thinks I'm wrong
19. Because he said "um....okay" when I said "I want to have a homebirth. Do you think a birthing tub will fit in the living room?"
20. Because he said the above when I said "I want to use cloth diapers" and "I want to homeschool" and "I want to co-sleep".
21. The way he compliments me every day...sincerely
22. Because when he walks in the house, and the kids are a mess, the dishes are piled up and the living room is trashed, he'll thank me for getting the laundry done.
23. Because he knows exactly what my dreams are...and shares them
24. Because he has dreams and goals...and works towards them
25. Because, like me, he believes that life can be better than the 9-5 corporate grind
26. Because his jokes are so corny they make you laugh
27. Because even though he loves sports, he'll turn the game off to read a book to the girls if they ask him to.
28. He's pretty clean and neat for a guy
29. He likes to read great books and recommend them to me, and vice versa.
30. He likes to discuss what we're reading.
31. He was the first guy I dated that I was able to have an intelligent conversation with.
32. The way he will debate history and politics with me via email while he is at work.
33. He is so organized, he makes a spread sheet for everything
34. He knows what I am feeling, without me saying anything.
35. The way he knows that when I walk away upset, he should chase after me.
36. The way he reminds me to be fair by not chasing me if I walk away a second time.
37. The way he knows just what to say, or just what to do, without even knowing what's bothering me.
38. He likes to cuddle.
39. He likes my cooking...the rare times I do cook.
40. Even if he doesn't like it, he'll eat it anyway.
41. The way he makes me laugh hysterically...with a one sentence email.
42. When I call him at work to vent about the girls driving me crazy, he never tells me he's too busy. He just listens and let's me get it out.
43. He'll do the grocery shopping on his own, and even bring both girls with him when he senses I need a break.
44. He loves to take the girls to the park.
45. He loves the library just as much as I do.
46. Because his NetFlix Queue if filled with documentaries and historical movies.
47. If he's watching a movie and there is bad language, he'll turn it off until after the girls are in bed.
48. He's such a kick-ass labor support person.
49. He supports me in breastfeeding whole-heartedly.
50. And finally...because no matter where I am or what I'm doing, I know that he is there caring about me. And that makes me feel special.
Happy Anniversary, my Knight. Here's to many more.
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