Mom did fantastic, knew just how to move to help her body bring the baby down. She sat a little in the tub, but didn't like it too much so did most of her laboring out of water. She was very in tune with herself, and I really didn't have to do much. It was the easiest birth I had done yet. She pushed for about an hour and gave birth to a perfect baby boy, 7lbs 8oz. He latched on like a champ right away and is doing great.
Mom really impressed me, not once did she lose control. In fact, when we sensed that she was hitting transition we told her that this was the point that most women start to think that they can't do it, and she simply stated, "Don't worry about me, I know I can do it." And she did. Not once did she say she can't, in fact during the pushing stage, as the head was crowing, she kept saying, "I'm almost done so we're just going to do this." and pushed him out! It really was an awesome birth. I'm going to see the happy couple and baby tonight for our first postpartum visit and I'm excited to see the little guy again :o) I really loved the birth; it was quick, beautiful, and easy, and I was home in time for lunch ;o)
I just got hired by another great couple and I have my first prenatal with them in July. She is due late September and my other client is due in October. I don't think I can get July filled as July is pretty much already here but my goal is to try to get a client for August. I might not take on clients in November and maybe December because if I get pregnant in October like the Knight and I plan, then I will most likely have my usual horrible morning sickness during that time and I don't think attending births then would be the best thing. I haven't thought yet on how long into my pregnancy I will continue to work, it's still a little far in the future, but it's coming up quick!
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