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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Review: Empty Cradle, Broken Heart: Surviving the Death of Your Baby

It is every parent's worse fear: the death of their baby. Whether it happens before or after birth, it can be a devastating event. Davis offers a guide to coping with the grief and other emotions that parents commonly experience after the death of their baby.

In today's society, the death of a baby is a devastating event that most people cannot fathom. For the parents of the deceased infant, the way society refuses to put importance on your grief and the death of your infant can be devastating. According to Davis, today's society views death as something to avoid at all costs. People do not talk about it, and rarely do they have contact with it. While in the past, family members died at home surrounded by loved ones, and their bodies were prepared for burial by their family, now people are dying in hospitals and nursing homes. Davis reiterates, "Death has been taken away from the home and family and placed in modern, sterile institutions." With people in today's society having so little experience with death, it is no surprise that many people simply have no idea how to react to the death of an infant. Thus, the grieving parents are often left feeling isolated, abandoned, and lonely.

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