Now, I really didn't want to go. I do have serious issues with the way B&B circus treats their elephants and other animals. I had always planned on taking the girls to see an animal-free circus.
However, the Knight really, really wanted to take them. We ended up getting into a little argument about it. But, I realized that it was a stupid thing to argue about. Here is this wonderful man, who supports me in every way possible, who cringed when I said, "I think we should use cloth diapers" but went along with it because he knew it was important to me. Who looked at me like I was crazy when I said, "I want a homebirth. Do you think a birthing tub would fit into the living room?" but supported me completely because, again, he knew it was important to me. The same thing for homeschooling, extended breastfeeding, co-sleeping, babywearing, etc.
What got to me was when we were arguing, he said, "Does everything have to be an issue with you? Can't we do something normal for once and just take our kids to the circus?"
He has a point...
So, we went, with the understanding that in the future we would attend the animal-free shows and that when the girls are old enough, we will explain why we don't support the ones that keep animals. And, it was fun. The Guppy got a little overwhelmed, but the Mermaid was completely blown away and had a blast. She is still talking about the things she saw. So, I'm glad we went.
The majority of circuses take great care of their animals. If they were abused as PETA claims there wouldn't be any circuses with animals they would have all lost their USDA licenses and been shut down.
Good luck on finding an animal free circus they are about as hard to find in the United States as a unicorn. They are mostly a myth created by animal rights extremists. Even Cirque du Soleil is now adding animals.
Take care,
Logan Jacot
sometimes my hubby pullsout that can't we do anything normal stuff, and I also have to give in. It really is great when they're so wonderful on the big stuff. Glad you had fun at the circus. Glad to hear someone else go through the same things!
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