First of all, I would like to thank everyone who sent me encouraging comments, emails, and cards. I can't even tell you how helpful it was to read those encouraging words and know that people out there do care. So thank you.
Life around here is getting back to normal and even better. The Guppy gave me a day off from her screaming yesterday and even took a two hour nap. So either she was having an "off" day or teething is going to give us all a break for now. So far her two bottom teeth are all the way through and up, and I can't tell if any more are about to come in.
Because the Guppy has been better at letting me do things other than completely focus all my attention on her, I've also been able to spend more one-on-one time with the Mermaid. The Mermaid is loving it. As a result we've seen a drastic decrease in tantrums in the house. The Mermaid loves to draw and lately has been drawing self portraits and cats and dogs. She also loves to fingerpaint.

Brooke drawing her self portrait

Thursday was my birthday. I am now 24. My wonderful loving husband threw a party for me last night and invited all the people I care about that live close enough. It was wonderful and I did have a good time. Afterwards my mom watched the girls while we went out with some friends to have a little fun sans kids.

This weekend I am working both days, but while I'm not working we are just going to hang out at home and maybe go to the library. I am looking forward to just relaxing, enjoying my family, and thanking God that we are all happy, healthy, and together.
Happy Birthday! And I am so sorry to hear about your losses recently. So glad to see things are looking up!
Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday. An occasion to eat cake-- what's better than that? Would you like to review my book on your blog? If so, email me your mailing address. The book is "Mama Knows Breast: A Beginner's Guide to Breastfeeding" Write me at
I'm glad you had a nice birthday. I hope you didn't take offense at my "oh no, 24!!" comment - I realize it could be pretty insensitive - I just hate being so old!
Hope to see you soon.
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