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Monday, November 12, 2007

It Just Never Ends

There's some kind of virus or something going around in our area and it came into our house about two weeks ago. Since then it has decided that it really doesn't want to leave. First the Mermaid caught it, and came down with a congested nose, sore throat, and fever. The kind of fever that had both the Knight and I up at 1:30 in the morning debating on whether or not to take her to the hospital. We settled on calling her pediatrician who gave us some hints on how to bring down the fever, which thankfully worked. As soon as the Mermaid appeared to be recovering, the Guppy came down with the same symptoms. Her illness lasted about a week and yesterday she finally had no fever, no congestion, and was a happy baby once again. So, I really wasn't surprised when, this morning, the Mermaid announced that she wasn't feeling good and then promptly got sick all over the living room floor.


So, as you can imagine, my life lately has been hectic. And not the fun kind of hectic. When the girls are sick, especially the Guppy, they want to be held and cuddled constantly. I am more than happy to oblige, but that means that the housework goes on the back burner for a while, the laundry piles up, and other daily tasks are ignored.

In addition to these adventures in Sickville, my great grandfather passed away this past week. He was 99 years old and would have turned 100 this December. I'll always remember him as the quiet, gentle man who could barely hear and had trouble remembering who was who. He had a long, happy and fulfilled life.

So, now the Mermaid is on the couch watching a movie (I generally throw the no TV rule out the window when she is sick, as it helps keep her calm and distracts her from the fact that she is miserable). She's had her vitamin C, her homeopathic remedies for nasal congestion and upset tummy, and I prepared a lavender mist for her as well to help her relax. Hopefully she will get well soon and this ugly virus will leave our house for good.

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