Just like your sister's letter, this one is embarrassingly late. So sorry, my sweetheart.
You are now five years old. And still a total sweetheart. You love to cuddle and hug, you love praise and affection. You get so upset if you even suspect that someone might be upset with you.
We've officially started homeschooling. You're learning reading, writing, and soon we'll be starting math. History and science you are learning just by listening to The Mermaid's lessons in the background. I didn't realize this until you started blurting out the answers to the questions I was asking her.
You still love playing dress up, and being a princess. You are so girly, I love it!! If it has bows, ribbons, or ruffles you must have it. You love dance class, and I love watching you blossom on your own, in the one activity that you don't share with your sister.
You are so sweet to your little brother, although sometimes you do lose patience with him. I think you want him to stay a baby more than I do, so you can keep "mothering" him like a newborn. Since The Tadpole has become less cooperative, you've started to mother your dolls more, putting them down for naps and nursing them when they are hungry.
You crave alone time with me or your father. It doesn't matter if we are just brushing your hair or your teeth in the bathroom, you beam and light up. I'm sorry we don't get more chances to have alone time, my love.
You're not shy, but you are an introvert. Having time to yourself is simply how you re-charge your batteries. So different from your sister!
We love you so much, our little sweetheart, and we are so lucky to have you in our lives. Happy Birthday.
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