This birthday post is so late it is incredibly embarrassing. Over a month late. So sorry, love.
Seven years old. Wow. Or, as you pointed out, "Only three away from 10." But I still have some time before I have to think about how you are in the double digits, so please don't rush me, my dear.
You are definitely my sassy child. Always independent, you have a hard time understanding that just because you are able to do something, doesn't mean you should.
You are loving school. Math is your favorite subject, and strongest. You are still struggling with reading, but you are doing much better. You're like me - impatient, and easily frustrated when you can't read a word quickly, not wanting to stop and take the time to sound it out.
You're fearless. I love seeing your determination and confidence. There isn't anything you can't do. You take risks that make me shake my head and make my heart skip beats. I try to walk the line between keeping you safe and allowing you to explore and remain confident in your abilities. It's a tough line to walk, and you get frustrated with me often. The words "Why not?" and "Don't worry, Mom!" are heard quite frequently in this house.
You're so incredibly social. There isn't anyone you won't talk to, and invite into your life. Again, I struggle between keeping you safe yet not creating fear of the world within you. We've had so many conversations about talking to strangers, and talking to people in general. My love, people do not need to hear about every detail of your life. You have a hard time understanding that. And with your confidence, you are having a hard time catching on to the fact that you will not be friends with everyone you meet. When the neighborhood boy stopped asking you to come over to play, you couldn't understand why. Neither could I. Except that some people are just too different to be friends. But my heart broke as I tried to field questions for WEEKS on why you couldn't go over and play. Another tough line to walk.
You are amazingly helpful. You are such a great older sister to your brother, helping to get him dressed in the morning, playing with him, comforting him when he gets upset. You make me so proud. You help out around the house so much, no questions asked, and because you are absolutely determined to own your very own American Girl Doll, you are always asking to do extra chores for money. You have $16 left to go before you can buy that doll.
You're bright, funny, happy, and a match for me in sarcasm. You keep me on my toes. You forgive easily and don't hold grudges - I'm thankful you didn't inherit that flaw from me. You love to sing and you love to learn new things.
And I am so incredibly lucky to have you as a daughter.
Happy (Belated) Birthday, my Mermaid. I love you so much.
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