My Dearest Tadpole,
Today you turn one year old.
Your birthday party was on Saturday, and I did okay. Mostly because even though it was party day, I still had two more days before you turned one.
But, this morning I opened my eyes to your beautiful smiling face, and as you nursed I thought about how today is the day. You are now one. There will never be another baby in this house; we have moved into the toddler stage.
It's hard to believe that in one year you've gone from this adorable, tiny baby:
It sounds strange, but now I sort of look back on those days with a sense of pride. You and I got through it, we tried x, y, and z and we got through it together. You made us work hard, and you have us the ability to greatly appreciate the look of joy on a baby's face. Now my heart swells with pride whenever someone comments on how happy you are, all the time.
You're really starting to walk now. You take 5 or 6 steps before deciding that crawling would be faster. You love playing with your sisters, and you still love being in the Ergo when we go out of the house.
You are such a joy in our lives, and we love you so much. Thank you for teaching me so many lessons in one year. Thank you for smiling at me every morning. Thank you for giving me so many kisses throughout the day, even though they are slobbery and sometimes boogery. Thank you for making me laugh, and for bringing your sister closer together.
Thank you.
We love you so much, little one. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to your handsome, smiley boy! And congrats to you too, Mama. :)
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