Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Gardening Update.
Our garden is coming along well, or at least I think so. Since I have no previous experience with gardening at all, I don't have anything to compare it to.
Trying to plan out the garden has been a little harder than I thought. I'm trying to get three harvests out of every square foot, but I'm not sure if I am planning it right. The charts in Square Foot Gardening are helpful, I just need to find the time to sit down and plan it out.
I'm not sure if I am doing the composting right. It just doesn't look like it's doing anything.
I also have a bunch of herbs that a friend gave me that I am going to plant on a porch planter.
I really want this garden to work out, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
What are you growing in your garden?
Gardening Update.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Toddler Nursing
This morning I woke up and suddenly I was no longer nursing a baby, but a toddler.

No more peaceful, long nursings. Now I'm a drive through Dairy Queen, open all night. He stops for a quick drink while zooming past, then again and again, never staying longer than a minute or two.
Sometimes he tries to walk away while nursing, and I have to remind him, Hey little man, that's attached to me you know!
He's a wiggling mass of legs and arms on my lap, and his foot is in my face and he tries to play with my nose and pull my hair.
He nurses upside down, sideways, rolled up into a ball with his legs over his head. He unlatches just to blow raspberries at me.
It's all just another day when nursing a toddler.
What are your nursing toddler's favorite antics?
Toddler Nursing
Monday, May 23, 2011
The Big One.
My Dearest Tadpole,
Today you turn one year old.
Your birthday party was on Saturday, and I did okay. Mostly because even though it was party day, I still had two more days before you turned one.
But, this morning I opened my eyes to your beautiful smiling face, and as you nursed I thought about how today is the day. You are now one. There will never be another baby in this house; we have moved into the toddler stage.
It's hard to believe that in one year you've gone from this adorable, tiny baby:
It sounds strange, but now I sort of look back on those days with a sense of pride. You and I got through it, we tried x, y, and z and we got through it together. You made us work hard, and you have us the ability to greatly appreciate the look of joy on a baby's face. Now my heart swells with pride whenever someone comments on how happy you are, all the time.
You're really starting to walk now. You take 5 or 6 steps before deciding that crawling would be faster. You love playing with your sisters, and you still love being in the Ergo when we go out of the house.
You are such a joy in our lives, and we love you so much. Thank you for teaching me so many lessons in one year. Thank you for smiling at me every morning. Thank you for giving me so many kisses throughout the day, even though they are slobbery and sometimes boogery. Thank you for making me laugh, and for bringing your sister closer together.
Thank you.
We love you so much, little one. Happy Birthday!
The Big One.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Funny how time flies by.

I didn't realize it had been this long since I last updated my blog. May for some reason has been one crazy month. It's been fun. I've had lots and lots of moments when I thought to myself, "Man I really need to blog about that" and then I don't get the chance or when I actually find the time to sit down and write, I'm so exhausted I can't think.
We've been really busy with homeschooling. The Mermaid is participating in a fair tomorrow, and her project is on gardening. All of our seedlings died, but we have our two 4x4 square foot gardens up and thanks to a friend, we have some kale and other salad greens coming along nicely.
The Mermaid is progressing really fast through her school work. She finished grade 1 Math, Reading, Grammar, and writing. We've been reading a ton of books; right now we're reading Little House in the Big Woods.
The Tadpole recently had his first haircut. Originally I was going to let his hair grow long, because I think long hair on little boys are adorable! But it kept getting in his eyes and he looked more "shaggy" then adorable, so finally I took him in to get it cut. You can see how long it was before the cut in this picture:
I cried when they cut it, and it took me a couple days to get used to it, but now I love it.
The Tadpole turns ONE YEAR OLD in FOUR DAYS!! His party is on Saturday. This week I had planned on taking it easy and focusing on getting ready for the party, but I was gone all day Monday with a client. She totally rocked a natural birth!! Then Tuesday I went to the Partners In Perinatal Health conference, yesterday I had a dentist appointment and then we had no power in the house so basically....I've gotten nothing done and the fair is tomorrow and the party on Saturday. *Deep Breath*
I want things to slow down. No, I need things to slow down. I am the type of person who likes being busy, but lately it's been a little too much. I haven't had a chance to knit or write or anything and I'm going slightly crazy. I miss writing here, miss getting all my thoughts and all the little moments of our lives down on "paper." Next week, my goal is to do as little as possible and just spend time cuddling with The Tadpole and playing with The Guppy and The Mermaid.
We'll see if it happens.
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Pitter Patter
Yesterday The Tadpole took his first steps.
I'm so proud of him...

He has been cruising along furniture very well now for a while. Then about two weeks ago he figured out that he can let go and stand on his own.
His whole face lit up with a smile and we could tell he was incredibly proud of himself. We all clapped and soon he would get upset if we didn't clap for him when he stood on his own.
Then yesterday, he let go of the chair he was holding onto and took three quick steps over to me. And five more steps over to The Knight.
He's growing so fast, becoming a toddler.
I'm so proud of him...
but I'm not ready.
Pitter Patter
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