My Dearest Tadpole,
Seven months old now, and you just experienced your first Christmas. You are such an easy going, relaxed baby. Through all the holiday chaos, all the holiday parties, you were so happy and carefree.
You are SO CLOSE to crawling! You get up on all fours, and that's where you get stuck, struggling and then finally crying for me to sit you back up on your butt again.
You look to me often. You put your arms up so that I will pick you up, you love to sit on my lap. You twist yourself around and put your hands on either side of my face, hold my head still, and study my eyes. And you give kisses!!! Big, sloppy kisses that leave drool on my face, but it is so cute that I don't mind.
You seem to have a special relationship with The Mermaid. She carries you around, entertains you, talks to you. Sometimes I see a look pass between the two of you, a wordless understanding that I am left out of. I admit, I feel a small pang of jealousy when this happens, and also when she makes you laugh so hard that you shake. I never can make you laugh that hard, no matter how much I try. But in the end, I am so glad that you have such a great relationship with your sisters.
I hate being away from you. Going to the gym for an hour recharges my batteries, but I always miss you and rush home, where you greet me with a smile and a big sloppy kiss.
I am so blessed to have you in my life, and I love you so much.
You bring me such joy, little one.
What a sweet post! Adorable pictures too. My baby (4th) is 4 months old now. The time goes so fast!
Happy WW :)
Awww! I love her little face :) My 3 year old still loves to cuddle in my lap...I secretly dread teh day she stops!
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