And of course, my most important hat: mother.
Lately the mother hat has been feeling a little big. Falling into my eyes, losing its shape and coming apart at the seams, to be more precise.

I went to sweep the kitchen floor, and realized it was the fifth time I did so today.
Small hands always reaching, grabbing and tugging on my sleeves. Begging for my attention.
Mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy!
Same thing, day after day.
Sometimes, I want to play dress up, too. Think of myself as something other than a mother. Remember what it was like to have an identity separate from my children.

I like to believe that I'm good at not letting motherhood define me as a person. Just because I'm a mother, doesn't mean I have to give up who I am.
Sometimes it's just harder than others.
1 comment:
Oh Man, can I relate to this. Some days I feel as if I have lost my identity as myself completly! I have lots of hats as most people I know, but I feel like the Mom and Manager hats are the illest-fitting. Thanks for putting this out there. :)
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