~The Knight is so incredibly upset that the Patriots lost. He took the Monday after the game off from work so he could mourn.
~ I've been really busy with my doula business and with my Arbonne business. My doula workshop is coming up fast and I am so excited! I also have some other things going on with my Arbonne business. I love that I'm able to have a career while staying home and homeschooling the girls.
~ The Mermaid has been doing great with her schooling. Sometimes I think that she may not be picking some things up, but a week later she will completely surprise me by discussing the topic that I thought she had missed. I really think she has a "To Do Later" box in her brain, where she simply takes the things that she processes and puts them in the box to completely understand later.
~ My dear friend and I are cooking up something big that will enable us to reach out into the community in a way that we have never been able to before. I am so excited, but the process is slow so far. I will divulge more details as the process speeds up.
~ The Guppy is so close to walking it's amazing. For those of you that don't know, we had to help her to learn how to crawl correctly before we could encourage her to walk. She was constantly putting all of her weight onto the left side of her body and crawling the "butt-scootch" crawl, which was causing her left leg to turn in. She now crawls correctly 99.9% of the time, thanks to help from Amajoy. Now she is happily cruising furniture and stands on her own, she just needs a little more confidence before she is willing to take that first step. She's also starting to try to say specific words, which she had stopped doing for a while. I'm also amazed at how much of what we say to her she understands. Sometimes I have to remind myself that children this young are like sponges, soaking up and processing everything they see, hear, touch, and taste.
~ I'm setting a goal. I'm not sure how much I can stick to it, but I'm going to set the goal anyway. My goal is to blog at least once a day. No matter what. Even if it's just a two word entry, I will blog. This blog has saved my sanity many times, it is the best way I know to process my thoughts and feelings and share with the blogging community. I don't want to lose that part of myself in this hectic time of our lives.
That's it for now. I'll be blogging more often, so if you were a regular and left because I wasn't blogging as much, stick around! I love comments and feedback!
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