Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Here are my 7 facts:
1. I have a fear of dolls. Seriously, I am deathly afraid of them. I don't know why. And it only applies to those porcelain dolls that you have to keep on a stand and never play with, you know which ones I'm talking about? The girls aren't allowed to have one, because they just freak me out too much. There used to be a kiosk in the local mall that sold them and when we would walk by it I would make the Knight walk between me and the kiosk and I would close my eyes.
2. I have double vision. I see two of everything. It makes playing pool really hard, but I love fireworks!
3. I have an addiction to sunflower seeds, but only for the shelled ones.
4. I can't use liquid white out. It annoys me. No matter how long I wait, it is never fully dry when I write over it and then it just looks really messy. I have to use the paper form of white out.
5. One of my previous jobs was as a "beer girl" at a local golf club. I would drive the beer cart around the course and sell alcohol to the players. I actually made a TON of money, because the players would get so drunk they would forget that they already tipped me and tip me over and over again.
6. I've been in 16 car accidents. That's right, 16. And that's not counting the ones I were in before I got my license. Out of those 16 car accidents, only 4 were my fault (twice I fell asleep at the wheel and hit a guardrail, and once I hit my moms car in the driveway and the fourth time I hit my friend's car in the school parking lot). I attract bad drivers, I guess.
7. I LOVE airports. I could spend all day in one. I love traveling and flying. I like to "people watch" at the airport, and try to guess where they are going and why they are going.
I know that most of the blogs that I read have already been tagged for this, so I'm going to tag the first 7 bloggers that read this and have not been tagged yet! Be sure to leave a comment so I can go read your 7 facts!