Well, after writing it the Knight and I talked it over and we decided that it is important for me to follow my heart and embark on a career that would satisfy me as a person.
I am so incredibly lucky to have a husband that encourages me to follow my dreams and is even willing to make sacrafices in order to get me started.
The Knight and I slowly set aside some money and when we had enough, I signed up for a Doula training course. It's a series of four Saturdays where I go for all day to learn the art of being a Doula. My first class was this past Saturday.
It was amazing.
I tell ya, I was still a little unsure. Was it worth the money we were paying? We could use the money towards the down payment on a house instead. But the Knight convinced me that we had made the right decision and so I went. And I came home glowing.
What a difference it is just to be surrounded all day by women who feel the same way you do about certain things, who share your same values and dreams. At the same time, the diversity within the small group was astounding. We had widows, divorcees, SAHM, career women, women who had c-sections, women who had home births, women who loved their epidurals, women who had abortions, women who were pro life; all of these different backgrounds and experiences were present in this one room. What I loved the most was that instead of these differences creating a conflict with each other, we were all completely open to learning from these different experiences and using it to our advantage. I know I learned a lot from these women and I am hoping they learned something from me. The class instructor is wonderful as well; she is a midwife (it's rare for a midwife to give training to doulas so it's really great that we get the chance to learn from her) and so open and understanding and was an awesome teacher.
My next class is this Saturday and I can't wait. Between becoming a Doula and launching my other home based business, life is looking pretty good right now...and I get to share it with my kids ;o)
This is so exciting for you!!!
This sounds so great!
Since you're not too far away I wanted to make sure that you knew about our local Doula network:
Also, our breastfeeding coalition has this website:
I'd love to hear about the resources in your part of the state!
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