I was recently given the heads up for a fantastic project that is underway. It's called Babies in the Workplace and it is a proposal to businesses to allow parents to bring their babies with them to work for the early months.
The project is being headed by Carla Moquin, a mom from MA. Moquin's goal is to spread the word about Babies in the Workplace and to encourage businesses to initiate their own Babies in the Workplace policies.
The web site is a wealth of information. You can find a list of businesses that already allow babies in the work place (Mothering Magazine is mentioned with 24 babies!); benefits of such a program to the family, business, and society as a whole; tips for implementing such a program at your workplace; and other tips and quotes as well. You can also request a kit to help implement the program where you work.
Moquin is always looking to speak to parents about their working situation, whether they are allowed to bring their babies to work or whether they would like to try to implement the program at their workplace. She is also available for speaking engagements and consultations about the program. And be sure to stop by and read her fantastic blog, Working With Kids.
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