You are now six months old. Unbelievable. This month has certainly proved to have is challenges as well as its amazing moments.
You are so close to sitting up on your own. You hate laying down, you want to be able to sit up and look around at everything that's going around you. You also hate it when I walk out of the room, so lately you've been spending a lot of time in the pouch, MT, and Ellaroo Wrap. You love to be on my back, sitting in the carrier and watching while I do the dishes, laundry, etc. You laugh so much, especially when your sister plays with you.

This month I have gone back to work and it's been rough for all of us. You refuse to take the bottle and prefer to wait until I get home. Sometimes you will take a half an once from a
sippy cup but other than that you wait it out. You are still hitting all your milestones and having enough diapers but I can't help worrying that you are starving while I am gone. I wish you would take the bottle just for my piece of mind.

I'm also battling guilt at leaving you when you are only six months old. I'm afraid of how it will impact you and if you feel afraid or abandoned when I'm gone. Thank God your father is a wonderful man who takes care of you very well. This is the only reason that I am able to walk out the door every night, knowing that your father is there to cuddle with you, take care of you. He even wants to learn how to use the carriers so he can wear you!

You are also very determined to grab everything within your reach. I have to be very careful when drinking while holding you, and when I try to read when nursing you to keep grabbing at the book! Most of the time when you look around you have this really serious look on your face, as if you are trying to take everything it and process it all. Your sister was the same way. I can't wait to see if you love learning as much as she does.
It is still unreal to me that you are already six months old. I can't believe how fast you are growing up. You make me so proud, you are so beautiful and amazing. I love you, sweet Guppy, and I thank the Lord for every day for bringing you to us. I can't wait to see what the coming months bring us!

Six Month Letter
What a perfectly beautiful family you are!
Mine would never take bottles, either.
Sweet letter. This mommy thing is hard sometimes, but you are doing a great job!
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