This isn't what AP parenting is at all. To me, AP parenting means to parent in a way that allows you to respond to your child's needs and follow your instinct. This doesn't mean to never set boundaries or guidelines and to bend to your child's every wish and demand. It simply means being there for your child, letting your child know that you are going to be there to meet their needs and help them through life.
I never heard of AP parenting until the Mermaid was around 6 or 7 months old. I was breastfeeding her because I knew, instinctively, that it was right. We coslept because I just felt it was right (we had tried having her sleep in the crib, and it just felt wrong to me). I could never let her cry it out, my instincts told me it was wrong. Then one day someone mentioned that I was "AP" so I looked it up and discovered, that yes, a lot of the principles of AP parenting are ones that I follow. But I already follow them by instinct, it isn't like I signed up for a "parenting program" and have to follow all their rules.
That being said....yes, most/a lot of AP parents breastfeed, co sleep, baby wear, etc. But that is only because that is how they feel they can meet their baby's needs, how they let their child know they are there for them. You don't have to breastfeed to be considered AP. You don't even have to co sleep. You just have to have a gently parenting style which will allow you to respond to your baby's cues.
I found this excellent blog by Paxye that explains what Attachment Parenting really is. Check it out. Even if you are "mainstream", you might be surprised on how much you agree with the AP philosophy.
1 comment:
I embrace the Hippy thing as a joke, but I'm not really one. For me a lot of AP ideas make my life formula to prepare or buy, more sleep in those early months thanks to cosleeping, cloth diapers save me money, wearing the baby lets me get more done around the house, ignoring those baby trainers frees you from so much first-timer guilt... But overall I guess I'm not into labels and you have to find a ballence of what works for your family. Following those motherly instincts is a great place to start!
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