Yesterday she came home very excited. The woman had given her, just handed over for free, a pair of Armani shoes. The woman claimed she had bought them on impulse (for $800!) and never wore them and didn't want them anymore.
I picked up those shoes. Unfortunately they were too small for me, so I didn't put them on. My mom asked me what it felt like to "touch" Armani shoes. Honestly? I felt nothing. Actually, I did feel a little angry. I mean, $800 for a pair of shoes?!?
I wonder how much food that $800 would buy for a shelter for abused many sweaters it would buy to clothe cold much a difference it would make to someone who is trying their hardest, but is barely making ends meet, and is getting sick but too afraid to go to the hospital because they have no insurance and no way to pay the bill.
I was not impressed by the Armani shoes. I thought they were kind of ugly, in fact. And I was definitely not impressed by the fact that someone could blow $800 on a pair of shoes they never wore and then just give them away without a second thought. If you are going to throw your money away anyway, why not throw it away on something meaningful, like a charity donation?
I'm sorry if this post sounds cynical. I just don't understand the whole "brand name" concept and why people would spend huge amounts of money for the privilege of advertising a brand. There are plenty of better things that my money can go towards. I guess I'm just not that type of girl.
Sorry, but your rant was kinda funny. I'm not that kind of girl either really. I mean, I appreciate quality and workmanship, but brand names and material excess, not so much. But you probably already knew that. : )
What fun! You write well.
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