I missed the birth.
She called me at 9:35PM and told me her water had just broken. I asked if she was having any contractions and she said she wasn't, but that she was feeling a little uncomfortable and was going to head into the hospital to get her antibiotics for Group B, would I mind meeting her there? Not a problem.
I called my mom to come watch the kids. I kind of took my time. I mean, she wasn't even having contractions yet, right? I ate before I left, thinking that it was going to be a long labor and I needed to fuel up.
I drove to the hospital and walked in her room at 11PM. Right as they were placing the baby on her chest! Total labor from rupture of membranes to birth was 1.5 hours! She did awesome, and of course baby is beautiful!
I'm also working with a postpartum client right now, starting today. I worked with this lovely family previously when their baby was first born, and now they have called me back for a few more days.
I'm spending this month really working on expanding my business. I'd like to eventually get up to two clients a month. We'll see how it goes!