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Thursday, July 30, 2009

In the News

A few stories that have been floating around the WWW:

CDC Says Cesarean Triples Neonatal Death Risk.
From the article:
While the increased risks of cesarean section to neonatal and maternal health have long been known, an even more grim issue came to light in a study released in the September, 2006 issue of Birth Journal. The CDC conducted research on cesarean section and neonatal mortality, expecting to find that the neonatal mortality rate (defined as death within the first 28 days of life) following cesarean section correlated directly with medical complications of the mother and baby. What they found, instead, was that regardless of risk factors, babies born by cesarean section face a risk of death nearly three times that of vaginally born babies.

VBAC? How About On The Interestate?
An amazing story about a woman a VBA3C on the side of the freeway! Frankly, I'm surprised she was able to find a doctor that would allow her to try a vaginal birth!

Let The Baby Decide: The Case Against Inducing Labor
From the article:
Labor should be induced only when medically necessary, never simply for convenience or because a woman is sick of being pregnant. The risks in these situations far outweigh the perceived benefits. Determining postmaturity or a woman's readiness to give birth are complex processes. We are just beginning to understand the long-term effects on the fetal brain of drugs such as Pitocin, and the exact long-term effects of inducing or augmenting labor are unknown. Pregnant woman wanting information on the safety of a drug can consult the Physicians' Desk Reference or call the product safety officer at the pharmaceutical company where it is manufactured.

The Physical Impact of Cesareans
From the article:
We’re seeing only the tip of the iceberg in regard to the impact of cesareans on women and their families. The reality is that the impact is far larger and deeper than we know. As the cesarean rate increases, so does our glimpse into the reality of the immense proportions of the epidemic and its impact on our lives.

And finally, IKEA Employee Sends Breastfeeding Mother To Bathroom.
From the article:
"On Wednesday I was in IKEA Red Hook in the middle of breastfeeding, fully covered, when I was told I had to stop doing "that" and go to the nearby family bathroom. The IKEA employee and security guards were extremely rude to us. I was hustled off to the bathroom and then had to wait because someone else was using it. I was humiliated, my daughter was upset from being interrupted in the middle of her feed. When eventually I gave up and headed for the car to finish feeding, the security guards who had seen the entire event insisted on checking my receipts.

As always, I welcome your thoughts and comments about any of these stories.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

These are great articles! Thanks for sharing them, and thank you for stopping by my blog. I love yours!

I was very anti c-section and hospital birth (was planning a home birth) until my son was breech and I had to have one. Now I am bitter about the stigma surrounding it. I also don't like being told that my next child (who will most likely be born via c-section as my doctor and hospital don't do vbacs) has a three times greater risk of dying. I think we need to find some kind of balance (like in politics). Everything is not black and white.