Here goes:

My day begins at 3:10 AM, when I get up for my paper route. I am oh, so tired and when the alarm goes off, I always think "I am crazy." But, once I start moving around, it isn't so bad.

Half way done with my route, and the sun isn't up yet, but it comes up while I'm driving and I get to watch the world come alive. Every single one of these papers represents another step close to being debt free.

Home from my route; the sun is up and while it isn't raining, it is still wet out.

Getting ready for the day. Note to self: when telling a 2.5 year old to put on her socks, you must specify that she should put them on her feet!

The three of us, finally ready for the day. Yes, we have matching hair styles, and no, I didn't plan it that way. But when the Mermaid insists on it, well...pick your battles, is what I say.
We head out to go grocery shopping and my sister decides to join us. Unexpected visit with sister? Score!

At the grocery store. It slows me down a little when I take them, but I can't imagine leaving them at home. Shopping with their sweet smiles in my sight makes it so much more fun!
The Mermaid decides I'm taking too long and entertains herself by doing yoga in the middle of the aisle. Luckily, the store was nearly empty.

We get home, my sister heads out, and I put the girls down for a nap. While downstairs in the office, I thought I heard the Guppy up, but it got quiet again so I thought I imagined it. That's when I went upstairs and saw that the Guppy had gone into the fridge and eaten the rest of the shredded cheese.

I found the culprit sleeping soundly on the recliner. How could I stay frustrated when I saw that angelic face?

She doesn't care that it's wet out, she wants to go play outside! And after 4 weeks straight of rain, I don't blame her!

Exciting moment of the day: Daddy comes home! "Smile, I'm blogging this!!"

The Knight gets the girls ready for bed and the Mermaid comes to give me a kiss goodnight. I ask her to remember to say her prayers and she gives me this look, as if to say "I know, Mom! I know!"

An hour later, and I sneak into her room only to discover that she isn't sleeping at all, she's "reading" in bed. A girl after my own heart.

Finally, my bed time. I try to be in bed by 8:30 PM the latest. Early to bed, early to rise, and all that crap. At least it's temporary, I miss my late nights!
So, that was my day. It was ordinary. It was unremarkable.
It was beautiful.
1 comment:
i love this post!!! :-)
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