I am so blessed to have a job I love as a doula that allows me to stay home with my children. I am so blessed to have a business that I am working to build to help us establish a financially secure future. And finally, I also work as a part-time editor for some local court reporters: how blessed am I to have this job that lets me work from home while earning some "now" money?
These jobs don't pay all the bills, but they pay some. And I am there for my children: when they wake up, when they are learning, when they are sick, when they need me. Often I work with a nursing child on my lap and another child coloring nearby. It's a perfect fit for us.

Sometimes, between working and homeschooling and having two little ones in general, I feel very overwhelmed. Working from home definitely does have its unique challenges.
Today I am over at Mommy Matter writing about tips for working from home. Head on over and join me if you wish. You might learn a thing or two that will help you balance your work life and family life.
Shelly, These are great tips! While I don't exactly work from home, I still have things I need or want to get done around the house and these are great ways to be more effective. I look forward to getting more done :) Thanks!
Oh, you're a doula! Cool! I had a doula at the birth of my baby, and she was amazing.
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