The Knight and I have big dreams that involve him leaving his current job for a job that allows him to work from home. He is not crazy about his job right now, but we often talk about how thankful we are that his company is very family-friendly and we have great benefits. My vision care is covered and my new glasses were inexpensive after the discount we got with our vision plan. My dental care and the Mermaid's dental care was completely covered without even a required co pay. And so forth...
However, never was I more thankful than when I recently opened up the bill from the Guppy's hospital stay. The trip to the ER, the overnight room, the tests and medication came to over $5,000.00. Out of that, we only pay $75.00. We have yet to see the bill for the ambulance and the first ER that we visited before they transferred her to the second hospital, but I know we only have to pay a small amount.
We are blessed. We are grateful. And we are also dumbfounded at how other families have no health insurance. We know people, family and friends, who have no insurance and they suffer because of it. One person we know has a lump and refuses to have a doctor see it because he can't afford the visit. One needs glasses but can't afford the lenses and frames. One friend's wife died recently from cancer, and he had to foreclose on his house because he couldn't afford to pay both the mortgage and the medical bills that accumulated. And so on, and so on....
I was rooting for Hillary for a lot of reasons, but one major reason was because of her view on health care. Now that she is out of the running, I wonder what Obama's action will be in terms of health care. So far, I like what I'm reading. For that reason, and others (ex: like how the thought of Palin being a heartbeat away from the White House terrifies me, but that's a whole 'nother post.), I am voting Obama.
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