~ On Saturday I attended the Blessingway for my October client, who is going to go any day. I made her a scrapbook page (with lots of help from a friend) and we did henna, beading, etc. It was great.
~ My September client is due next week but I have a strong feeling she will be late and go into October still pregnant. Which is good, since my October client is probably not going to make it to October.
~ Yesterday I had an interview with a woman who is in her second trimester and is going for a VBAC. My wish for her to get her VBAC is so strong I can feel it in my pulse.
~ I attended my first fair as a doula: an East Meets West Health Fair. Although I didn't meet any pregnant women there, I met a lot of people who know pregnant women and were excited to learn about what I do. In fact, when I woke up in the morning I had two emails from women asking about my services; I am thinking that it could not be a coincidence. I'm excited about the second fair I am doing this weekend.
~ I finally got around to ordering a homeopathic kit for the house. The vials are smaller than what I thought they would be, but so far it's come in very handy with treating the Mermaid's hives and the Guppy's cold.
~ I'm tired. And overwhelmed. I truly bit off more than I can chew this month. At this point, I am (somewhat happily) trudging through to the end of the month, and then I have to concentrate on really packing up and getting ready for the move. Please, Lord, just help me get to November. Then I can take a breather.
1 comment:
For a while (before I had kids) I had thought about becoming a doula. I thought it would be nice to be able to help other women when they need it the most. Now that I have my two kids, I don't know how I would be able to do it. It is great that you are! I would have loved to have a doula. I had to practically fight the nurses off of me. They all wanted to give me epidurals even though I said a million and one times that I didn't want one.
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