Last night while I was at work I asked what the date was and when someone told me it was the 26th, my heart froze. You are now 10 months old. It happened so quickly, without me even realizing it.
You are now getting two more teeth in. One more on the bottom and your first front tooth. You've been in terrible pain, I know, but you are calm and happy as long as you are in my arms or on my back in the Mai Tei.
I think you've decided to skip crawling all together. Your preferred method of movement is the butt scootch. Not as quick as crawling, but it gets you to where you want to go.
You are loving your solids right now. The only thing that I have fed you that you haven't liked is cranberry sauce. You adore everything else I've given you, including fruit, peas, bread, pasta, vegetables, and you LOVE tofu.

You also love: playing Patty cake (the way you clap your hands together is adorable!); singing The Itsy Bitsy Spider; tickling your sister; hanging upside down; This Little Piggy; pulling up to a standing position; dancing with your daddy; playing with phone.
Your personality is really starting to come out. I feel that you are very strong willed and maybe a little stubborn. When you are not happy about something you are sure to let us know, but are happy to settle for any compromise we give you as long as it comes with a kiss. You get especially angry when I won't let you chew on the telephone or the remote.
Yesterday your father mentioned to me that we needed to pick a date to have your first birthday party. I quickly changed the subject. I didn't realize how hard it is for me to face the reality that soon you will no longer be my little baby. That soon you will be a toddler, demanding more and more independence from me. I think when the time comes I will look on proudly while you develop into your own little person. But for now, I'm happy just cuddling with you, nursing you, and laughing with you. I love you, dear Guppy, and I will always be here for you. Don't ever forget that.
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