You would think that mothers who breastfeed understand what it is like to hear these stories and get angry. You would think that they would understand how important it is to be able to feed your baby in whatever way you choose.
Therefore I was extremely disappointed when I read about a mom who was recently asked to leave a cafe for breastfeeding mothers because she formula fed her son. According to the article, she had gone there after being invited for coffee by some friends that do breastfeed their children. The staff expressed their opinions that bottle feeding was not appropriate and asked her not to come back.
Everyone who knows me is aware of how I feel about formula. They all know my biases against moms who formula feed without a single thought of consideration of at least attempting to breastfeed. But, I have never made a single comment to anyone I see formula feeding, ever, while out in public. For this cafe to harass this woman in much the same way as breastfeeding mothers are sometimes harasses shows their ignorance, hypocrisy, and foolishness.
I definitely see this as a step back in the world of lactivists.
Oh, I have to agree. How disappointing. What kind of message is that saying about us breastfeeders? Just as we have rights to breastfeed, that mom has a right to formula feed. We don't know the circumstances! The baby could have been adopted and the mom not able to nurse. The mom could be on medication and unable to nurse. It could be pumped breastmilk in that bottle (not in this case, but could in other cases!) The list can go on. We need to embrace and show love and kindness to everyone! (Especially the pro-formula feeders and then maybe they can learn from our example!)
That is pretty scary. I knew about backlash against breastfeeding in public but never thought it'd go the other way. How did the cafe employees know that it hadn't been expressed milk, anyway? As someone about to have my first child (next month!) and eager to breastfeed if I possibly can, your blog is a great find. THanks!
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