I still have to put up my blogroll again, but other than that I am finished.
I felt like I needed a fresh look. A new perspective. I think this reflects my feelings on my entire life right now. Lately I've been feeling distracted....lost...off track. For some reason, the Knight and I have not been making big strides towards our big goals like we were before. Part of it has to do with circumstances beyond our control, but I believe part of it also has to do with the fact that we let ourselves get off track, let ourselves lose a little of that motivation and perspective that was keeping us going strong. The bottom line is, I think we lost track of our goals.
So the answer is to find them again. Put them up in full view, somewhere where it will smack us in the face first thing in the morning and remind us what we want, why we are making sacrifices, what the big picture for us really is. The Knight and I have been talking for a while now about making a dream board to show all of our reasons why and what we want our life to look like in five years. I think now we are going to actually sit down and make it.
So, what are our goals? They are:
~ to become debt free
~ to achieve financial peace
~ to build a solid financial future for our family
~ to have us both working from home so we can spend more time with the girls
~ to tread lightly on the earth, and teach our girls to do the same
~ to be continually educating ourselves and working on our personal development, and to teach our children the importance of education and personal development.
Why are those our goals? Because we owe it to ourselves, and our girls. Because we deserve to live a better life than the one that the 9-5 daily grind will offer us. Because we feel as though our culture can become something better than a "consumer" culture, and it has to start somewhere.
So, in order to help keep us on track, I'm going to create some accountability. I'm going to resurrect Fantastic Friday, but with slightly different goals. I know, I know, I can already hear the groans. But it's time for us to get serious. And I hope you'll be here to cheer us on and offer encouragement.
After all, it has to start somewhere, right?

I really like the new look- very bright and cheery!! I like your dream board idea, I might have to steal that :)
De-lurking - fellow doula here to say I like the new look and look forward to cheering you on as you succeed with your goals :)
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