Our family bed is a large waterbed. When the Guppy was born we took the water mattress out and put in a nice firm conventional mattress in order to co-sleep safely. So with this odd configuration, and the fact that the bed is up against the wall, changing the sheets is no easy feat, and something I do not look forward at all to doing every week.
In my nightmare, every time I changed the sheets, as soon as I would go to put the comforter back on, I would look down and the sheets would be dirty. So I would have to change them again. Then again. And again. Then the pillowcases began to wrestle with me when I began to change them, as if they were alive and were trying to eat me.
It seems like a silly dream now, but at the time it was very scary and frustrating. I remember thinking, "What kind of mother am I where I can't provide my family clean sheets to sleep in?". It was absurd.
When I woke up, the bottom sheet on my half of the bed had been undone at the top corner. Also, my pillowcase was completely off my pillow.
Anyways, it is probably due to the fact that I've been feeling a little overwhelmed lately because I haven't been getting anything done, mostly because the Guppy is teething and extremely clingy. Then it hit me: I had slowly begun to stop wearing her as she had begun to get more mobile. In fact, I basically forgot for a while that I even had this nice collection of baby carriers sitting in my closet, waiting to be used.
So, today the Guppy was still teething and still clingy, but I dug out my Mai Tei and threw her on my back. I am amazed at how much I was able to get done so far today, all the while attending to the needs of my child.
So, what kind of mother am I? A friggin' awesome one, thank you very much!
kinda funny! I had a recent revelation about the baby carriers. It was a lifesaver when my baby was a clingy little one. But now that his is a VERY independent tot I kinda forgot about it. Now I wear him while I try to get dinner together or if I have to actually get something accomplished without him destroying the house.
I had forgotten about slings, too, for getting stuff done with a clingy toddler. Now my 17 month old spends many nights in the backpack helping me make dinner!
Hey2, love your blog..i fully support you as a breastfeeding mother...!
I have been having absurd nonsensical dreams too lately. Maybe it's full moon or something.
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