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Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Training Setbacks

January pretty much sucked in terms of running. I was having problems with my back, leading my chiro to suggest that I get x-rays done to see what was going on. Turns out I have a really weird curve to my lower back. Now I need to get physical therapy to build up the muscles around the spine and hold it in place, to keep it from curving back again.

With all the back pain, I had to stop my half-marathon training. The race I was training for, the American Cancer Society DertermiNation, is at the end of this month, and there was just no way I was going to be ready. I am so bummed!! But I need to take it easier and not injure myself even further.

Last week I had a stomach bug and was still dealing with back issues, so I missed running for an entire week. Not cool!! But, I finally got to the gym this morning and ran an easy 3 miles, it felt great! I am still hoping to run the Run For Your Lives Zombie Run in May, and I think I'm going to then train for another half-marathon in October: The Amica Half-Marathon in Newport, RI. I'm excited about this one because I love Newport, it is so beautiful!! And since it is in October, that gives me plenty of time to take it easy and train at a healthy pace.

I've got a list of books going on running and marathons and such, including Chi Running, The Runner's World Running for Mortals, and Marathon.

Any runners out there with other books they would recommend?

1 comment:

Maida said...

You might be interested in this blog here:

He has written an ebook that I bought for my husband who has been training for his first full marathon. He's run 3 half marathons and has found the ebook helpful.