My voice is literally hoarse from all the reading to the girls that I have been doing. They are determined to earn their Six Flag tickets! The Mermaid has been reading up a storm, both to herself and her siblings.
We decided to create a new reading chart. The Mermaid did most of the work. Each cloud holds ten cotton balls. She gets one cotton ball for each book she reads on her own; when she fills up a cloud, she gets a small set of Squinkies from Target.
For so long I wondered why The Mermaid struggled so much with reading. The Knight and I LOVE to read. We read every night, the TV is barely on, and the girls see us read so often, I guess I just thought they would follow our example and learn to love reading as well. I'm so happy to see The Mermaid finally blossoming as a reader and finally starting to enjoy reading, after all the struggles we went through. I really feel we have turned a corner and I am so grateful that I was able to be with her and see her overcome her obstacles with reading.

Blossoming Reader
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