My how it has been a while.
Our holidays were great. Christmas was one of the best ever, with The Tadpole being old enough to open presents and play with his gifts, he was too cute! Then things got busy and kind of stayed busy, until finally I realized that it had been a month since I lasted posted here.
So, here are some updates:
The Guppy is still taking dance, and still loving it. She is also loving her "school time." Right now she is doing Math-U-See Primer, handwriting, and learning how to read. She spends most of her day drawing and asking me how to spell words, then carefully writing them down on the paper.
The Tadpole...well, there is so much I can say about him. I can tell you that he is the main reason why I haven't had much time to write here. It started right after Christmas, when he suddenly wanted to nurse constantly, throughout the entire day. He had teeth coming in, a growth was all fine and good. But it continued, and continued...and then, two weeks ago he decided that he was going to get into more mischief than he normally does. He is so sweet, so easy going, so cute, so cuddly....and such a pain in the butt!!
This is my typical day with The Tadpole: after breakfast, he nurses. And nurses. And nurses. I try to convince him to play with some toys, he refuses. Finally I tell him "No more na-nas" and start the girls school. While I'm getting their books, he drags the kitchen chair over to the counter, stands on it, and tries to smash the coffee maker. Or turn the water on in the sink. Or play with the knives. Or turn knobs on the stove. Or get into the get the picture.
I come back in, take him down, push the chair back to the table, he immediately walks over and pushes back to the counter. And we repeat. All day. Every day.
I have a dear friend who has a darling little boy, and once I went over her house and she had removed all the chairs from the kitchen. At the time, I thought it was over-kill.
I totally get it now.
Oh, how this little boy drives me nuts. I recently found my first grey hair, and when I found it, I really wasn't surprised.
He drives me dearly, and I couldn't possibly love him more.
And now, The Mermaid. My little mother. She's so caring and kind to her younger siblings, always helping them, always reading to Hunter or playing with him, and comforting him when he cries.
She's really enjoying astronomy and history, and of course math. She still struggles with reading a little, however, but it's something we are working on.
She's also taking art classes and tomorrow is her first Girl Scouts meeting.
That's pretty much what we've been up to. My goal is to post at least 3 times per week. You know, in between hiding the kitchen chairs.

Hiding The Chairs