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Monday, July 18, 2011

Seven Years Is A Long Time

A few months ago I won a one-night stay at a local hotel. This weekend, The Knight and I decided to take advantage of it.

Of course, that meant leaving The Tadpole overnight for the first time. I've been called to births in the middle of the night, but never have I left him for an entire day, night, then another day.

But, I felt that he was ready. He never really fusses when I'm gone. And, he doesn't nurse to sleep, unlike both The Mermaid and The Guppy did at his age.

So, we left all three kids with my IL's and went on our way. It was great. We visited all the local historical sites, which was fun for us because we are both history buffs. We went out to eat, did some window shopping, and relaxed while reading books by the hotel's pool.

And the best part was that I slept through the night completely for the first time in SEVEN YEARS!

We headed back around lunch time the next day to pick up the kids and when The Tadpole saw us come in....he turned and ran the other way, upset about having to leave.

I guess he was ready, after all.

And this is something The Knight and I are going to have to do more often.

How was your weekend?


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