Today you turn ten months old. How quickly this year is flying by!!
Oh so many milestones this month. You got your first two teeth!! You started standing and cruising along furniture!
Your sisters are so patient with you. When you come over to the train table and destroy their carefully constructed town, instead of getting angry they laugh and go with it, calling you "godzilla baby" and pretending to run in fear.
I don't think you realize how much they spoil you.
Sometimes, though, they do need a break. And when those times come and they quietly go upstairs to play, sometimes you don't even notice they aren't there in the room with you. But those times that you do notice - you get so upset!! You stand at the bottom of the stairs and cry for them, try to climb the stairs to get to them. You haven't figured that part out yet.
You get so excited and happy when you see your daddy walking in the door. You are so calm, so relaxed, I still can take you anywhere.
You still love sleeping in our bed.
You still love your "na-nas."
You still will sit and cuddle with me, truly earning your nickname "snuggle bear."
You still make me laugh every day, bring joy to our hearts, and peace to our lives.
We love you, snuggle bear.
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