Wordless Wednesday
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Change of Outfit
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Gardening Obsession
The Mermaid is now obsessed with gardening.
She is going to be participating in a homeschooler's fair later this year and her project will be...gardening!!
Today we planted some veggies and herbs to be transplanted later into our garden:
For every plant or project, The Mermaid has a gardening journal in which she writes the date planted or project started, and if applicable, the day sprouted and harvested. Then she draws a picture and takes notes.
She also has a page in her journal dedicated to the layout of our 32 square foot garden that we plan on putting together this weekend.
She's so excited and her enthusiasm is contagious. I'm looking forward to the warmer weather!!
Gardening Obsession
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
That's 300 Days of Joy
Today you turn ten months old. How quickly this year is flying by!!
Oh so many milestones this month. You got your first two teeth!! You started standing and cruising along furniture!
Your sisters are so patient with you. When you come over to the train table and destroy their carefully constructed town, instead of getting angry they laugh and go with it, calling you "godzilla baby" and pretending to run in fear.
I don't think you realize how much they spoil you.
Sometimes, though, they do need a break. And when those times come and they quietly go upstairs to play, sometimes you don't even notice they aren't there in the room with you. But those times that you do notice - you get so upset!! You stand at the bottom of the stairs and cry for them, try to climb the stairs to get to them. You haven't figured that part out yet.
You get so excited and happy when you see your daddy walking in the door. You are so calm, so relaxed, I still can take you anywhere.
You still love sleeping in our bed.
You still love your "na-nas."
You still will sit and cuddle with me, truly earning your nickname "snuggle bear."
You still make me laugh every day, bring joy to our hearts, and peace to our lives.
We love you, snuggle bear.
That's 300 Days of Joy
Monday, March 21, 2011
Nursing in Public
Recently I had an interesting experience while nursing The Tadpole in public.

I share my thoughts over at API Speaks, and would love for you to share your experiences.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Nursing in Public
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
It's Gardening Time
After much begging from the girls, we've decided to plant our first garden this year.
I'm really excited, but nervous too. I have a horrible black thumb and I'm afraid I'm going to kill of any plants we manage to grow.
We have started some indoor plants. First, some organic snap peas in an indoor green house:
What homeschooling projects have you been up to lately?
It's Gardening Time
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

On Wednesday we took the girls to see a performance of Hansel and Gretel put on by the Boston Lyric Opera. The girls were so excited to see the performance, and since we went with some of the members from our homeschooling co-op, they got to see their friends as well.
Both girls loved the show, the singing really captivates them and the costumes and acting made it so much fun. The Tadpole was great too, for the most part he sat quietly on our laps during the entire performance.
Afterwards The Guppy told me that she loved the entire show, except for "the one really scary part." Being that the show was Hansel and Gretel, I asked Was the scary part when the kids got lost in the woods?
Was it when the witch caught them?
Was it when they pushed the witch into the oven?
Well, what was the scary part?
When the mom yelled at the children.
That is my sweet, sensitive Guppy for you.
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
What Does A Vegan Bring To A Party?
So what exactly does a vegan bring to a birthday party?
Right now I'm reading Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows by Melanie Joy. Very intriguing, I highly recommend it.
What Does A Vegan Bring To A Party?
Monday, March 07, 2011
I Meant It.
I think about how far we've come since filing for divorce. And how things seem so much better, and we seem so much stronger.
And when I wrote, "I love you forever" on his birthday card, well...I meant it.
Happy birthday to my Knight. Love always.
I Meant It.
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