They were Jehovah's Witnesses.
Now, I get that part of their religion calls for them to try to "recruit" people, so I really did not mind too much that they knocked on my door. I politely told them I wasn't interested. One girl said, "Ok, have a nice day" but the other girl got really pushy until I finally got curt and said again that I wasn't interested and that I was busy and had to go. Then I shut the door and went back upstairs to fold laundry.
I was putting some folded towels away in the bathroom when I heard the Mermaid say something that I couldn't make out through the bathroom window. Then I heard a girl's voice say frantically, "Come on Kristy, we're not supposed to be doing this!" Of course that got my attention, and I went to the window and looked down to see one of the girls, the one who had just spoken, standing at the edge of my yard and looking around nervously.
The "pushy" girl was IN my backyard. Talking to my four year old.
And I heard her say, "Don't you know that if you don't find the right church you will burn in hell?"
To my four. year. old.
Of course I ran down the stairs and out the front door, fury all over my face. I must have looked like a mother bear coming to protect her cubs, because as soon as I hit the door the girls turned and RAN.
But then, as I am chasing this girl out of my yard, she has the nerve to spin around as she is running and WHIP TWO BROCHURES AT ME!!
For the next two nights the Mermaid had nightmares that our house was on fire, and she was burning. She doesn't understand the concept of Hell yet, and this was not how I had planned for her to learn.
When did sharing your religion cross over into scaring 4 year old little girls? Into trespassing on someone's property? Into not respecting someone's wish for you to leave them alone?
I'm curious is anyone else has had this type of experience.
Shelly, I am so sorry! I am a Christian but this is NOT the right way to lead people to Christ. Scare tactics are NOT okay and not to mention they trespassed on your property. I would've been furious!
I don't have any experiences like that to share but WOW! I find that most religions who are trying to find recruits usually move on when you show disinterest. That girl....oh I would not have blamed you if you kept chasing her down the street, yelling profanities! What did she think she could possibly gain from trying to talk to poor Mermaid like that. Augh!
p.s. the last deleted comment was me....I used Mermaid's real name by accident. I didn't want you to think that you were getting nasty comments or something!
Brittany: I know soo many Christians and I am one myself, so I know that this girl was not the norm. I am still in shock over her actions.
Crafy Mama: Thanks for catching it ;o). Right now Knight is intent on finding somewhere to file a complaint, or at least take some sort of action to keep it from happening again.
I hope you call the police and also contact the church (do JW's call them churches?) where they came from. You heard the one girl's name, so that should help.
I would be mad-- mostly because these girls trespassed in your yard and were 100% out of line. Also, though, I do realize that in life, our children are exposed to things we don't want them to be. It's a reason to sit down with her and explain it to her, in terms she understands, what the girls were trying to do, how bad they were acting, and that absolutely not will she burn in hell.
Kids do hear and see things we don't want them to-- again, hopefully never in their own yard!-- but you can talk to her and help put her mind at ease.
Also, maybe this is a good time to talk about how to scream and alert you immediately if someone she doesn't know comes in to her yard! (I need to have this talk with my two girls, as well!)
You're sure they were Jehovah's Witnessess? Because JWs don't believe in hell or call their gathering places churches.
Sybil: Thanks for the suggestions :o) We have since sat down with her and explained what was going on, and she seems fine now.
Amanda: While they didn't come out and say that was what they were, one of the brochures that she threw at me has Jehovah's Witnesses written all over it, and is entitled, "Finding the Right Church".
Not cool.
These were children, but obviously they knew they were doing something wrong. And coming on your property? Wow. I'm sure you were more traumatized than the girls though. ((hugs))
PS maybe they were Mormon? Jehovah's Witnesses go to "kingdom hall" not church. And all of their publications would say "watchtower" somewhere on there.
Wow! I can't believe this, I've never had an experience like this eaither- nobody really ventures out to where we live.. I know it's so hard to talk to kids this age about certain things I'm sure this doesn't help!
I also think it's strange that tow young girls are out doing this alone, i've only ever seen guys out going door to door before. Obviously the one was out of line, but I wonder what could happen to two young girls who knock on the wrong person's door? Kind of scary!
the nerve of these young women. I would have spoke scripture back reminding them that the Lord said let the children come onto me .
How awful!! Good thing you overheard them...did the brochures have any information on a specific church? I would report this to the police - they were way out of line, and as Rachel said, their behavior could endanger themselves as well.
I am so sorry that your family had to endure such ugliness. Prayers and hugs to you and yours.
Oh No! That's awful.
I agree with the comments above - definitely call the "church."
Thank goodness you were home with your kids and able to intervene!
I'm going to start praying for the young woman who acted so hate-filled. Sounds like she's got a lot to figure out in her life!
Gosh, Shelly, that sounds really traumatic for everyone! I'm so sorry you all have had to deal with this.
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