Lately the girls have been very much into movies that revolve around Princesses and Prince Charming: Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Shrek, you get the picture. It made me realize how much of a manwhore Prince Charming is. How many princesses can he possibly marry?
Anyways, it was just a fleeting thought that I didn't think about again until it personally touched our family.
The other day, I heard The Mermaid and The Guppy giggling an awful lot in their room. I headed upstairs to find them decked out in their dress up princess dresses, including all the appropriate accessories (princess shoes, crowns, necklaces, you get the idea). When I asked The Mermaid what they were doing, she informed me (quite haughtily, I might add) that they were getting ready for their wedding to Prince Charming.
Damn it, that manwhore had stolen my daughters' hearts.
I smiled at their innocent play and went on my day. About 20 minutes later, however, I heard both The Mermaid and The Guppy "play crying" in their rooms. When I walked in, The Mermaid was holding a receipt from the library and, with dramatic play crying and grieving, was waving it around in the air like it was covered in poop.
"What in the world is wrong?" I asked, and The Mermaid said "The Prince is not here, and he left us a note!"
Uh oh. That's never a good sign.
Playing along, I asked, "Well, what does it say?"
My precious four year old spun around, and giving me a look that made me absolutely sure that at that moment, she thought I was the biggest idiot ever, yelled: I DON'T KNOW, I CAN'T READ!!!
Ah. So, not only was she being left at the altar by Prince Manwhore, but she can't even read his parting words. Being four must be the hardest. thing. ever.
Well, at least she now has strong motivation to learn to read. She's been asking me to teach her ever since.
I love it! :)
LOL! How funny! Disney really does teach little girls to have unrealistic expectations about love!
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