The conference was amazing! I learned to much from the session I took, and really, it was just so incredibly relaxing and amazing to be surrounded by mothers who share a similar parenting style. Slings were everywhere, breastfeeding in public was no problem, and everyone was just generally happy and positive towards each other. I also got a new ring sling that I absolutely love!
I did attend one session with Dr. Sears about his new book "The Vaccine Book". I wasn't able to sit through the entire session because the Guppy started to get fussy, but what I heard gave me a lot to think about. I'm going to be picking up his book soon and I recommend other parents to read it as well. It is not an anti-vaccine book, but rather outlines reasons why some parents do not vaccinate, and if you do choose to vaccinate, which ones you can skip and what ages to give the other vaccines in order to be as safe as possible.
This weekend is my SIL's wedding and so we will be going out of town again. This week coming up, I have work as a postpartum doula (which I am very excited about) and so far the rest of my April looks a little low key. Good thing my Arbonne business keeps me busy as well, or I might have to go a little crazy.
Right now in homeschooling the Mermaid is learning about the moon, and more specifically the different stages of the moon. I am continuously amazed at how quickly she picks things up, but most of all at how much she LOVES to just sit down with me and learn. We've been doing a lot of coloring and painting, and reading books about the moon, and every day when the Knight gets home she runs to him very excited about showing him the day's project. I am so happy and confident now with our decision to homeschool, and I am very excited to see where it takes us.
The Guppy is really starting to broaden her vocabulary. She especially loves to make animal sounds. It seems every day she learns a new word, which makes every day with her so much fun. She also loves to look on and watch while the Mermaid colors pictures of the moon, or read the moon books with us.
Well, that's it for the updates. I'm going to be busy all day packing and getting ready for the weekend, how fun. ;o)
1 comment:
I am leaving for the NJ LLL conference tomorrow morning. I'm excited!
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