I hope everyone had a great Easter/weekend!
The girls had a lot of fun. We decorated our easter eggs Saturday night and sent the girls to bed. The Mermaid was soooo excited when she woke up in the morning and saw what the Easter bunny had left her!

Ready to decorate eggs!

The Mermaid's first egg, with Daddy's help

The Guppy looks on patiently

Okay, the Guppy's turn!

All done coloring!

Now it's sticker time!

Drawing a picture for the Easter bunnyShe drew a bunny and then wrote her name
We put out the picture with some carrots and water and we were all set!
Holidays are so much more fun when you get to look at the wonder on your child's face!
Find time to call your mom at some point.
I am impressed with the blog.
What do you mean your camera is broken????!!
Even when I thought my baby was too young to enjoy hunting for Easter eggs...I was wrong...she loved it and it was great to see the excitement on her face!
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