The Mermaid has pretty much recovered. She still has a slightly runny nose, but other than that she is fine. So, of course, when the Guppy woke up this morning, she was sick. Runny nose, slight fever, sore throat.
Of course.
Tonight I have to work and find some time to cook up something to bring to my Aunts house tomorrow. We are having dinner there and then dessert at my In laws. This year in my family, we had a really corny idea that we could dress up as pilgrims and Native Americans for Thanksgiving. I was all for it, but now I find I am lacking in both time and money to go out and get costumes for all four of us. I'll probably just end up making hats and feathers out of construction paper.
Yesterday we had our first snowfall of the season and we found out that our heating system does not work properly for some reason. Until we got the fire going in the wood stove, we were all bundled up in our jackets. Now I am worried that the Guppy will burn herself on the stove, as we can't put a gate up in front of it and she really doesn't understand the concept of hot yet. I just have to be really careful not to leave her in the room alone.
I hope everyone has a fabulous Thanksgiving!
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