One of my pet peeves is when women say that they don't even want to try to breastfeed because it will make their boobs sag. Whenever I hear this, I cringe and two thoughts run through my head:
1. What a selfish reason to deny your infant optimal nutrition. Way to put your looks before your child's health@@.
2. Breastfeeding does not make your boobs sag. Pregnancy and gravity do.
The first thought I usually keep to myself. The second I usually share. And they usually don't believe me, either because they don't want to or because they know of "so and so who breastfed her kids and her boobs are down to her knees".
Nice. Reeeaallll nice.
Well, I hate to say I told you so, but now there's research that states the same thing: breastfeeding does not make your breasts sag. Really. In fact, this study suggests that the real causes of sagging breasts are age, number of pregnancies, and whether or not the mother smokes.
Now, here's my viewpoint. Do my boobs sag? Hell ya. Not down to my knees, but I definitely no longer have the perfect, perky round lovely lady humps that I was graced with before pregnancy. Does that bother me? Not at all. When I decided to become a mother, I decided to embrace all of motherhood, including saggy breasts due to pregnancy. Just like women learn to embrace their stretch marks, their apron of skin, etc. At least I am using my breasts for their intended purpose, by giving my child her optimal nutrition.
So yes, my breasts sag. And yes, if you have children, your breasts will sag, even if you don't breastfeed. The difference is, my breasts are going out with a bang!
My mom's friend said her bbs were complete pancakes after she had her two kids. They didn't even look good in a bra so she had breast implants put in. And NO she did not breastfeed either.
I agree. Expecting to have the same body you had before pregnancy is just plain stupid. It is the cost of creating a whole new life. Not to mention there is always exercise and healthy diet to make you feel better about what you have.
Amen Sister!!!!
hi Shel, finally i found again ur blog, omg! ur princess are so grew up! and they look the same of u. I know it's a lot of time that I dont write u, but I lost yr email :( sorry...anyway let's try to keep in touch!
how's yr family? say hi to all.
Love u
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