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Monday, June 21, 2010

Losing My Best Friend.

I still feel that in a lot of ways, she is still my baby.

She loves to interact with The Tadpole, always laughing and "playing" with him, asking me constantly if she can hold him again, Just one more time, please please please?

This morning she came downstairs, her hair tousled from sleep. She climbed on my lap and we enjoyed a rare moment of silence. Then she spoke.

Mommy, you're not my best friend anymore. The Tadpole is. He is the best buddy in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!

Then she jumped off my lap and runs over to look at him sleeping in the pack n' play.

Maybe I did "lose" a best friend today. But watching them interact together, I know I've gained so much more.


1 comment:

Andrea said...

Oh. That is the sweetest post in the whole world. I'm so touched I could cry. Adorable.