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Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Official Start of Homeschool and Other Thoughts

Today I took the girls to their first official homeschooling event. A new homeschooling group was started up in our area for children under six years old and I decided to go.

While I'm not sure I made a great first impression, I really liked all the other ladies and children that were there. They were all so kind and welcoming and really just interested in teaching their kids. While most meetings involves a more "structured" activity, today we had a Montessori School type of set up, with different activity stations set up around the room for the kids to work in. The activities were really engaging and encouraged the children to work together in order to accomplish their goals. We also had snack time, story time, and circle time.

Throughout most of the meeting I did have a horrible migraine coming on, so I wasn't too interactive. Hopefully at the next meeting I will make a better impression.

I also just wanted to put up this picture of some diapers that I made for the girls:

I'm also in the process of knitting some longies, but I haven't had much time to work on them lately.

I'm also attempting to get myself and the girls on a more organized schedule. Getting back into the FlyLady process and establishing routines are also going to help with that. Hopefully I will become more organized and therefore have more time to do things I love, such as sewing and knitting.

One other thing I did today was that I hired a nanny. I am not happy about leaving my girls with someone, but it is necessary in order to run my businesses. The woman is very nice and experienced, and my instinct says that she is a good choice. I will still be home with them most of the time, and mostly they will be there no longer than three hours.

The Knight and I have also decided to step up on our house hunting. Next week I am viewing twelve houses over a period of three days. For numerous reasons, it has become apparent to us that we need to get out of my mother's house as soon as possible, so we are taking steps towards that direction. Wish us luck!


1 comment:

maggiemae and family said...

hey i found your blog through another one can you tell me more about attachment parenting? like sites to visit or books etc?

