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Friday, December 29, 2006

Because What You Don't Know Can Hurt You...

Five Things You May Not Know About Me
1. I have double vision. That's right, I see two of everything. This makes it really difficult to play pool and mini golf, but I love going to fireworks!
2. I rode horses since I was four years old and participated in Equestrian competitions. I had to sell my horse when I got pregnant with the Mermaid and haven't been on a horse since....I really miss it.
3. I have a phobia of dolls. But just the real fancy porcelain ones that you keep on a stand to look at. I can't walk by the doll kiosk in the mall without digging my nails into the Knight's arm.
4. I think whoever invented Bratz has a special place in Hell reserved for them for teaching little girls it's OK to be materialistic, wear too much make up, and dress like a slut.
5. When I took my driver's license test I ran a stop sign and hit a snow bank. When the test ended the instructor flipped a coin to decide if he would pass me or not...I picked heads, and heads it was. He passed me.
Thanks to Stephanie over at Adventures in Babywearing for this fun meme. Now, post this meme in your blog and leave the link in a comment so I can learn more about you! :o)



Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Wow- so how DO you drive with double vision!? I used to ALWAYS dream of owning a horse!! So funny you would mention about the dolls... since I have all boys, I have never shopped for a doll before and was doing so the other night to buy toys for our church nursery. Gosh- the faces on some of those things are FREAKY!

Shelly said...

Stephanie- I only have trouble with driving when it is both dark and the roads are wet. Then I won't drive because it is too hard to distinguish between which cars are "real" and which cars are the "duplicate". It's hard to explain, but the "duplicate" is usually a little see through, so if it is too dark or something dark is behind it is it hard to tell which one is see through, which is also why I have trouble with pool and mini golf. I always aim for the wrong hole! LOL