I have heard a few people state that doulas are simply witnesses. It's even been stated that doulas may be "perpetuating the very system that they are in the business of changing." Sometimes I feel that way. Sometimes I feel that all I am able to do is sit back and watch as IV's are put in, pitocin started, requests denied, and sometime, even scare tactics are used to keep the woman in compliance. As woman are told that their babies are too big and their pelvis too small; they are too "overdue"; their labors are taking too long; they are not progressing; they are unable to birth their baby without the doctors and their array of wonderful drugs don't worry there is minimal risk involved and why not just get the epidural don't you know that women who give birth naturally don't get gold stars?
However much debate there is, the statistical benefits of a doula still stand true and proven. So I keep packing my bag, keep taking clients, and keep praying at night that the next birth will go as the mom plans, that the nurse/doctor won't be in a rush or having a bad day or whatnot.
Then I'll have a client who's birth does go as planned. And it makes it all worth it. I get home, sit on the couch, and think about what I witnessed and say "wow".
Today I'm over at Inspiring Birth Stories talking about such a birth. Head on over for some inspiration. And if you want to submit your own birth story, feel free to email me.
The best thing I did this pregnancy was to hire a doula. I think I told you before that I learned about them on your site, thanks again. I was really hoping to not be induced this time and have a natural birth. Well, I ended up w/ gest. diabetes and an overcautious doctor (i saw a midwife but because of the gd i also had to rotate w/ the dr.). "They" had fears of a giant baby and nothing was changing at all except that my cervix was soft. I dreaded pitocin because i knew i would be on the monitor and not able to use any water (tub or shower) which is what i thought would save me. They "let" me go a week overdue and i ended up being induced w/ pitocin, we got a wireless monitor and my doula walked w/ me. After only 5 hrs after styarting the pit (and only 40 mins of pretty strong contract., 10 of which was pushing) hewas born w/o drugs. It was amazing and i know i couldn't have done it w/o my doula. I think every woman should have one if nothing else for extra support. I felt great after nothing like w/ my epidural birth!
Thanks again Shelly!
I think the biggest thing will always be the woman taking charge of her own birth. That means choosing a supportive OB and preparing herself mentaly and physically as well as having supportive people around her. If you allow yourself to be put in a situation with an OB who does not support your plan, you are setting yourself up.
I am a big believer in Bradley classes. After 12 weeks of education, both my husband and I knew what we wanted.
I LOVED my doula. I feel that having her with me gave me a great deal of confidence... she had "witnessed" the miracle of life before, she knew I was strong enough to do this, and she encouraged me when I needed it.
I didn't hire a doula for the birth of my daughter, I just had a midwife...but next time I am definitely hiring one!
I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to see this as a doula, because just as someone who has had a natural birth (in a hospital, with a midwife and doula), it's frustrating for me to hear stories of friends and family members who are pushed into a cascade of interventions. Or, of course, to hear the snide remarks from women asking me if I got a medal from my natural birth. Nope, but I got a baby who came out alert, happy, and ready to nurse! I'll take that over a medal ANY day.
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