Well, it has been a while! This month has been crazy!
The day after I wrote my last post my client went into labor. It was a long labor that resulted in an absolutely beautiful 9lb 15oz baby boy! They are such a wonderful family and I felt so honored to be present at the birth.
I have one client who is due next week but I have a feeling she will be "early" (third baby, both prior babies were born "early").
I've done another belly cast and I am looking into doing henna body art and Mother Blessing ceremonies.
My SIL's wedding is coming up in three weeks (gulp) and I've been running around to prepare. I got my shoes ordered last night but I still have to get my dress hemmed and set up appointments for my hair, etc.
The girls have been sick a little this month as well, which keep me busy all in itself. Plus I've been running around with the other board members of Blackstone Valley WomenAid, trying to get the proper paperwork filed and community verifiers lined up. Add on to all of this the fact that my Arbonne business has been doing really well and keeping me busy, and with all this I am trying to make sure I find time to sleep, and so my poor blog has been neglected.
I find that the busier I get, the more organized I must become or else I get all stressed. So, I'm going to start doing
FlyLady again, because when I actually follow her program my life is so.much. easier. I'm also going to set aside time in my calendar at least every other day to post on this blog, because really I love posting here and I could never stop.
What else? Oh, yeah, we got the girls guinea pigs. It was not my idea and I wanted nothing to do with it, but now that we have them, I'm glad we did. We got them for free from wonderful woman that the Knight works with and both girls adore them. The Mermaid has impressed me with her willingness to take responsibility for them, such as helping to feed them and clean their cages and make sure they "come out to play" every day.
Oh, yeah, and I'm also going to the
MA/RI/VT LLL area conference at the end of the month (unless my client goes into labor then) and I am so excited! I'm taking the Guppy with me because she still nurses at night. I'll be sharing a room with a dear friend and doula client, so it should be fun!
Remember how I told you that the Knight had broken my camera on Thanksgiving? Well my SIL was kind enough to lend us her camera so I am able to take pictures again (Thank Heavens! Withdrawal is not fun!). Prepared to be shocked at how big they have gotten....

Where in the World Have I Been?