I arrived and the midwives greeted me. They were so nice, so wise, and so in their element. My friend was a birthing goddess. She did so incredibly well during the labor and birth. She was not very vocal, instead she was very focused inwards on what her body was telling her.
After a while she labored in the birthing tub and pushed her baby out in the tub as well. What a Goddess she was, unaware of anything else except for what her body was doing to bring her baby into the world! The baby's arrival was met with smiles, joy, and laughter. A beautiful, healthy, baby boy!
I was so honored to be able to participate in this event. The atmosphere was of pure support, encouragement, joy, and calmness. This is the way all births should be, the mother surrounded by women who are calm and supportive. I was awed by the knowledge of the midwives and especially of my friend, who dove deep within herself and birthed her baby with ease.
Unfortunately, it was after the birth of the baby that things went slightly off track. Mom had lost a lot of blood and fainted, despite the shot of pitocin that the midwife gave her and despite the constant massaging of her uterus. The decision was made to transport Mom to the hospital. I stayed behind to watch their two year old son, who had slept through the entire birth.
Mom and baby are now doing great. Mom should be coming home from the hospital today. Dad was amazing, when the decision was made to transport I could tell he was worried and scared for Mom, but not once did he panic. He kept his cool and did what needed to be done to prepare for the ambulance's arrival.
What an amazing family!
congrats to all!!!
You should come over to the DJ and let everyone know. We are all waiting for news.
thanks, i shall have to update more since someone might actually read it. you boycott nestle for the same reason i boycott wal-mart, i should boycott them both, since i am going raw that shouldn't be a problem. i even got a boycott wal-mart t-shirt that is sweatshop free.
I read your blog often and have commented before, so imagine my surprise when today, I checked for new posts and found this one in regards to your friend's birth. On Tuesday night, I too was in labor with my second baby (first homebirth). If only my 20 month old had slept through the birth!
I hope that your friend and her baby are doing well and that the trauma of her transport did not destroy the excitement and joy of the occasion.
Best wishes,
Oh wow- what a story! And I wanted to stop by and wish you a very Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Thats a great story. I love hearing other people's birth stories! I was looking for blogs related to homebirth and thats how I found you. I had an unnecessary cesarean in July of '05 and then a CNM attended HBAC in March of '07. What a healing experience our homebirth was!
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